Repealing a contract between an insurance company and an insured is entirely possible by respecting certain rules. Since the application of the Hamon law, policyholders can terminate their car insurance contract without giving reasons. There are situations where the insured may terminate the expiring auto policy without providing justification. This is the purpose of this article.

Cancel an auto contract with no justification

The insured driver can take advantage of the Hamon law to terminate the contract without reason. Insureds who wish to take advantage of the benefits of the Hamon law may terminate a car insurance contract. This can be done at any time, if you have completed the first year of the contract. A cancellation of car insurance can only be made following a subscription to another contract. It must be a new form of insurance with the same agency or take out insurance with a competitor. This trick to simplify the subscription to a cheap car insurance allows insureds to facilitate the change of offers.

What is the role of the Hamon law when an insurance policy is broken?

The Hamon law does not only simplify insurance termination. Since its application on 1 January 2015, the insured is free to terminate an insurance company's contract at any time. The only condition is that you must have been insured for at least one year. This termination does not affect all insurance contracts. Indeed, the health insurance company is not concerned. Only home insurance and vehicle guarantee contracts fall within the scope of this Regulation. To terminate an insurance contract, simply send an email or a simple letter. The reason for this simplification is that the new insurer is responsible for taking all the necessary steps with the former insurance agency. For more information, read the article on terminating car insurance contracts.

How to cancel an insurance as soon as possible?

The termination of an insurance contract concerns motor vehicle and home multi-risk insurance. Those who have taken out a vehicle insurance policy and wish to change their insurance once the first expiry date has passed do not have to take care of the termination procedures. The contract is renewed every year. However, there is a way to avoid tacit renewal without having to provide reasons. This involves sending a registered letter to the insurer 2 months before the contract expires. Remember that, to simplify termination, the easiest way is to entrust the operation to the new insurance agency.