In the field of automobile insurance, auto mission coverage is not always mentioned and yet it represents an insurance that can be very useful when you perform a professional task with your personal car. Whether it is an appointment with a client, an administrative summons or a meeting, your car benefits from maximum coverage when it is used in the workplace.
What is auto-mission insurance?
It is a specific insurance taken out by the company guaranteeing your vehicle when the employee must use his personal car to carry out activities necessary for the company. It generally covers the risks of losses and theft.
All vehicles are covered by this insurance, whether they are rented, borrowed or owned by the company's employee. Professional car insurance only applies to land motor vehicles, trailers, passenger vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles.
In addition, all employees of the company can benefit from this guarantee: employees, members of the Board of Directors, volunteers or temporary staff. In the case where the car has been borrowed, it is the owner who will obtain the compensation.
The advantages of the self-mission contract
Like all coverages, auto-mission insurance offers many advantages, especially for the employer, since even in the event of a lack of insurance on the part of the employee, the liability of the company manager is always guaranteed. Indeed, during the missions, the self-mission contract totally replaces the car contract from which the personal car benefits, regardless of the insurance company. Thus, all costs related to the accident or incident during the mission are covered.
In addition, the bonus-malus of the car insurance is not degraded since the auto-mission contract and the vehicle insurance do not accumulate, even if the employee is at fault.
A further advantage of this type of contract is that it also provides additional protective coverages that are not included in the employee's personal car insurance policy.
The content of the guarantees
In addition, the level of coverage of a contract changes according to the clauses agreed between the employer and the insurance company, but generally, auto-mission insurance includes:
Civil liability for damage caused to third parties
Compensation for accidents without a third party, collisions, glass breakage and fire
Borrowing a replacement vehicle
Legal protection
For additional or specific coverages, do not hesitate to discuss them with your insurer.